Question: Can I keep my LeadStreet® website provided by Reliance Network?
Answer: Yes, but under a new name: engageRE. It is the same product on the same platform – with some new features – just under a different name.
Question: What is engageRE and how will this affect my LeadStreet website?
Answer: As previously announced by RE/MAX LLC, your technology choices are being expanded later this summer. LeadStreet is being updated along with a new menu of options. In addition to other options you may have, you can subscribe and use the solution you know and trust today only with a new name: “engageRE”.
Question: What happens to all my contacts after the transition if I choose not to retain my LeadStreet website?
Answer: The basic contact information should be transferred.
Question: My clients have saved searches that are being automatically emailed to them. If I choose not to retain my LeadStreet website, will those continue after the transition?
Answer: No
Question: I have all my contacts receiving monthly newsletters. If I choose not to retain my LeadStreet website, will this continue after Dec. 1?
Answer: No
Question: I have paid someone to do custom work on my agent website, will all of this work be gone?
Answer: If you choose to retain your engageRE website then all the work done will be saved. If you elect to not retain the engageRE website none of that work will be transferred.
Question: I have multiple offices can I “group” all office together and have one access to manage these offices for my administrators?
Answer: Yes PLUS you get an additional office website to place all your offices under one umbrella
Question: We have several team’s in our office. Do you offer team level websites so all the team members can access and manage?
Answer: Yes. Think of the team website as an office website whereas there is a team roster and management tools for the team through the dashboard
Question: In our office of 28 agents only about 8 agents would like to retain their websites through engageRE can these agents do that?
Answer: Yes, please contact us for the many options available for your office and sales associates.
Question: If our entire office wants to retain all our websites, contacts, saved search everything we have worked on for many years, how much will this cost us?
Answer: There is different plans and options available for your office and based on the office size.
Question: I have been using the “tasks” feature in the calendar area of my website. Will this be transferred over to my new agent profile page (SPAW)?
Answer: No
Question: Over the last two years I have created over 100 individual pages about my markets and local favorites and wanted to know will those pages transfer over to my SPAW?
Answer: No
Question: If I decide to keep my agent website through engageRE what will happen after the transition?
Answer: Essentially, it will be business as usual. You will have more support and service than ever before.
Question: I like the new SPAW but want to keep my website – can I do both?
Answer: Yes.
Question: Is there support and training for engageRE?
Answer: Yes - that is built into the service. Provided by a staff with over 15 years of experience on the platform.
Question: What type of training will be available with engageRE?
Answer: On-demand virtual training, plus private, office-level webinars plus live sessions at many RE/MAX events.
Question: I am very interested in WordPress powered websites – does engageRE offer these?
Answer: Yes that option is now available.
Question: I’m still not sure how the SPAW page works with leads, but can I transfer any leads out of Home Connect over to my engageRE CRM?
Answer: Yes, using the engageRE lead parsing feature, you can forward SPAW leads to engageRE.
Question: We use the Design Center for all our marketing and loved the easy integration with our website listing manager will this still be available with engageRE?
Answer: Yes