Stop driving your car on square tires. It will get you there but it will be slow and painful process. Understand the Skills you need to upgrade to make that drive a smooth and happy thing in this 1.5 hour webinar. You are bombarded with technology choices. Let’s get down to brass tacks and get your systems and foundation in order. Don’t miss out on this one of a kind workshop.
- What does your domain name say about you?
- Does Your Email address work for or against you?
- What’s the deal with Cloud Storage – Create Control in Your Life by understanding and using Cloud Storage.
- What are you missing out by not using a CRM?
- What about Agent reviews/testimonials?
WHO SHOULD ATTEND? If you have any of these issues below:
- You access different emails on different platforms or have many email accounts
- You update a contact/calendar and it doesn’t update elsewhere/everywhere
- Your email address is a personal email and not business
- You have been on the road and need access to a file and you have to drive back to the office or home to get it
- You send individual files as attachments in your email
- If your computer or wireless device dies, so does all your information
- You never keep in touch with your past, current or future clients
- You aren’t sure where to direct people to give reviews.
Join Darci LaRocque to find out the best tips and real world examples to help you on the road to be a technology superstar!
- Did you know that 75%* of consumers say an email address matching your domain is CRITICAL to trust and professionalism. Are you losing business because you are using @yahoo, @gmail, @hotmail, @aol or some other personal email?
- Do you use Dropbox,Google Drive or OneDrive or only downloaded it?
- What about a CRM, do you only pay for it like a Gym membership rather than actually using it?
- Yes, you can go on holidays by being a truly mobile Agent!
Join us and help save yourself from the burden of miscommunication, lost email, misunderstanding of the cloud and more.
* Small business owner and customer surveys, February 2016.