Should I Have More Than One Website?
Many agents have questions regarding the merits of maintaining multiple websites and domains. Here is some information to help with that decision:
Every website you have, whether it be one or more, should have a custom domain as primary. Domains such as "" may be convenient, but not too useful from a marketing or SEO perspective. In that example, this is a "default" domain created automatically for your engageRE account, and can be used, but we suggest assigning a custom domain.
You can have multiple domain names point to the same website if that serves a specific marketing purpose for you. In general, those secondary domains do not accrue SEO value, and may dilute or confuse your identity and messaging, but technically there is nothing wrong with using them.
Likewise, using multiple websites is really a personal business preference. They can help you tailor your messaging to a specific audience or market. You can experiment with different promotions and advertising easily. Note that there is some overhead in maintaining multiple sites (and multiple back ends) that you should weigh. One big disadvantage is that you will be splitting your SEO and marketing efforts between multiple sites.
Create a Custom Page
It’s important to continue adding good content to your site for several reasons.
- Improve your site’s SEO
- Add value for consumers
- Create a unique look, feel, and brand for your website
This helpful video will help you get started adding custom content to your website.
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Getting Started with engageRE for RE/MAX
Welcome to engageRE!
To complete account setup, you should now do the following:
Accessing Your Account. The new URL you will use to access the Agent Portal (formerly known as LeadStreet) is Use your Mainstreet login as you normally would to sign in. Make a note of this URL and save it as a bookmark or shortcut. This is your primary way to access your account - not through Mainstreet.
Check Your Website. While working in the Agent Portal, click the View Website link within the Sitebuilder area.
Check Your Website Domains. If you previously used [yourusername] as the primary address for your site, that has changed to [yourusername] Better still, we strongly recommend that you register and start using a custom domain. You can learn how to do that by watching this video.
If you have a custom domain pointed to your site, it is important that you verify what "name servers" you used with your domain registrar (the place you purchased your domain). For more information, read this Tech Assist article.
Point To Your Premier Website From Your SPAW. Your profile on (aka SPAW) contains a link to "Visit My Personal Website". You can point this to your Premier website by following these simple instructions.
- Log into the NEW LeadStreet via MaxCenter ( using the steps below:
- Log into MaxCenter ( using your User name and Password.
- In MaxCenter, Click on the box that says "LeadStreet Powered by"
- You are now in the New LeadStreet.
- In LeadStreet, click on Apps on the top center of the page, then on "My Profile".
- Click on the "Contact Info" tab and scroll down to the "Online" section, add your website address under "Website URL".
Click Save.
Setup Lead Forwarding From RE/MAX. Leads from the RE/MAX brand websites (e.g., etc) are offered through LeadStreet by Homes Connect. You can automatically forward the leads you accept to engageRE. Watch this video for instructions.
You will notice that engageRE is packed full of new upgrades (including Mobile Responsive Experience, Search 3, new features in the CRM, and an option for WordPress) among others. Visit the What's New and Different! section of the engageRE website.
The support and education resource available to help you is engageRE Tech Assist . To reach out to the Tech Assist team, or to learn more from our online resources and training, visit the Tech Assist area of the engageRE website.
Setting The Name Servers For Your Domain
Name servers are the settings on a domain (i.e. that point it to a specific website provider like Reliance, Homes, or Placester.
To use a domain with an engageRE website, specific name server entries area required. You should contact the support department of your registrar (GoDaddy, Network Solutions, etc.) and ask them to update your domain name(s) to use and as primary and secondary name servers, respectively.
IMPORTANT: If you are also using your domain name for email (e.g., please contact TechAssist before proceeding with the changes below.
If you would like to attempt to do this yourself, we have step-by-step instructions available for GoDaddy and Network Solutions below.
For Domains Registered With Go Daddy
Do the following:
- Log into
- Click on your name in the top navigation bar, and click on the “Manage Domains” option.
- Click on the domain name, which will bring you to Domain Details page.
- In the name server section, click on the “Manage” link.
- Click on the “EDIT NAMESERVERS” link.
- Update the name servers to and
- Click Ok and Submit.
For Domains Registered With Network Solutions
Do the following:
- Log into
- Within Account Manager, select My Domain Names.
- Select the domain name you want to change and select Manage.
- In the green box, select Change Where Domain Points.
- Select Domain Name Server (DNS).
- Under Specify Domain Name Servers section, type in and
- Select Continue, then Apply Changes to accept changes.
Please Note: DNS changes may take 24 - 36 hours to update throughout the Internet.
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