For Office Administrators Of The Mid-States & Dixie Regions ONLY.
The RE/MAX system has numerous services and applications that need to be maintained as information changes with individual agents.
Adding A New Agent
Step 1: Establish RE/MAX Identity
Every agent must first be identified by RE/MAX Membership. Therefore, to add an agent, start by creating a profile for them within iFranchise.
Once submitted, this information will automatically be transmitted to the region and to RE/MAX, LLC for processing.
Step 2: Register MainStreet Profile
Every RE/MAX affiliate has a MainStreet profile, which includes their personal email address. That is setup when the agent receives a MainStreet registration email from RE/MAX via their personal email account (the email address entered into iFranchise as their personal Email - not their RE/MAX Email). The agent should look for the registration email on the business day after the iFranchise profile is completed. NOTE: this email will come from "" - agents should make sure and check their junk mail or spam folder and add that address as a safe sender.
The affiliate must complete the online registration process to choose their email and RE/MAX password, which provide access to all the online tools like LeadStreet and Design Center.
Once this step is done, their email should be working and they should have full access to MainStreet.
Step 3: Activate And Setup Their Accounts
The day after their MainStreet profile is created, the affiliate's personal accounts in the RE/MAX Tech package should be activated, including LeadStreet and Design Center.
Most all services and applications are accessible through MainStreet at Agents should sign in with the email address and password (setup in Step 2 above).
- To access LeadStreet, agents should click the "My Leads" icon along the left side of the page.
- To access Design Center, agents should choose Design Center from the Marketing menu.
Each agent should follow the setup instructions shared in the Tech Assist article New Agent Training.
Updating Agent Information
Once accounts are created, updating information must be done in many of the systems independently.
Adding/Changing A Photo
When adding or updating the photo for an agent - this must be done in eConnect (by logging into MainStreet and clicking MY REGION), as well as Design Center and LeadStreet. Each platform has different requirements for the photo and should be updated separately. Changes made through eConnect should automatically appear on MainStreet and RE/
Updating Contact Information
Like photos, changes in contact information (name, phone numbers, email addresses) need to be made in eConnect (by logging into MainStreet and clicking MY REGION) as well as Design Center and LeadStreet.
Placing An Agent On Leave Of Absence
To place an agent on leave-of-absence, submit an Associate Status Change Form through iFranchise. All of their access will be suspended and they will be hidden from the various rosters and will be ineligible for leads in LeadStreet.
Agents are returned to active status by repeating this procedure. All accounts will be reactivated with their settings unchanged.
Removing An Agent
To terminate an agent's affiliation with your office, submit an Associate Status Change Form through iFranchise. Each account within the RE/MAX Tech package (including LeadStreet and Design Center) will be deactivated automatically from there.